I am Joshua Tolcher-Evans, 20 years old and a third year BA Product Design Student at De Montfort University, Leicester, originally from Newport, South Wales. An aspiring designer looking to further develop myself and my skills in the design industry as a competent sketcher, modeller and primarily CAD modeller specifically in SolidWorks.
Ever since studying product design at GCSE it has been my favourite subject and I have been intrigued and interested about design ever since. Further interest curated through A levels and university, developing a real passion for the subject and particularly the overall process of taking a simple concept or idea into a physical, completed product.
Outside of design I am greatly interested in both watching and partaking a variety of sports including football, rugby, American football and badminton to name a few. Other passions include music, film and socialising with friends, occasionally in person with board games or more often online with video games.
I am passionate about design and have aspirations and goals of making this into my career. I hope you enjoy the content.